Video Demonstration of Common Water-Air Flow Regimes
By Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin
By Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin
Turbulent flow inside the pipe downstream the dye injection Three Dimensional Laser-Induced Fluorescent (3DLIF) results by Ozeair Abessi, Francesco Fedele and Philip Roberts
If a pipeline has pronounced high points, undissolved gases can become trapped there which increase the flow resistance of the pipeline as a whole. This results in energy losses and reduced flow rates. In this hydraulic model test, KSB examines and demonstrates the effects of air pockets in pipelines and the various options for eliminating …
The animation shows the time evolution of the distribution of volume fraction of liquid (water) in the case of counter-current churn flow of water and air in a vertical pipe obtained by a computer simulation using accurate interface tracking.
Three dimensional laser-induced fluorescent 3D and 2D experiments of Turbulent pipe flow School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
The experiment has been performed in Gas Dynamics and Heat Transfer Laboratory, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.