2019 SCWA Convention & EXPO

FEBRUARY 24-26, 2019 – ARLINGTON, TEXAS SCWA is excited to announce that Dana Perino will be our keynote speaker for the 2019 Convention & Car Wash EXPO. Dana Perino is a co-host on the hit FOX News show, The Five. The Five has won its time slot every day since it started in July 2011 and last year …

Hydraulic model: Air pockets in pipelines

If a pipeline has pronounced high points, undissolved gases can become trapped there which increase the flow resistance of the pipeline as a whole. This results in energy losses and reduced flow rates. In this hydraulic model test, KSB examines and demonstrates the effects of air pockets in pipelines and the various options for eliminating …

Computer simulation of air-water counter-current churn flow regime in vertical pipe

The animation shows the time evolution of the distribution of volume fraction of liquid (water) in the case of counter-current churn flow of water and air in a vertical pipe obtained by a computer simulation using accurate interface tracking.


The Drop Newsletter Collection The Water Management students work together to put together a newsletter that is published once a semester that contains various water content. The newsletter is a collection of student written articles, water news, plus other water related artilces. If you are interested in becoming part of The Drop Newsletter team or …